Review: CBTWE @ Rocka Rolla webzine

Lord Impaler, the most veteran in these proceedings, was the band that I liked most of the three, thanks to their orthodox and tight black metal, and even say that has a hint of groove in their music. Definitely a band I’d like to hear more in the future.
Como siempre comento en estos casos, el Split es una excelente forma de darse a conocer para las bandas que carecen de los recursos para editar un álbum por si solas. En general es así (puede haber otras concepciones), pero también sirve para fomentar la camaradería entre bandas del mismo palo.

En este caso, tenemos tres bandas griegas enroladas en el metal extremo, arrancando Dizziness con dos temas de puro black bien agresivo y brutal, standard pero efectivo.

Lord Impaler, la más veterana en estas lides, fue la banda que más me gustó de las tres, merced a su black ortodoxo y ajustado, y hasta diría que tiene una pizca de groove en su música. Definitivamente una banda de la que me gustaría escuchar más en un futuro.
Por ultimo tenemos a Hell Poemer, los cuales dotan a su black extremo de una dosis épica y hasta me atrevería a decir sinfónica, interesante banda también.
En síntesis, tres bandas con un hilo conductor pero que sin embargo muestran sus características propias, redundando en 36 minutos de buen black metal underground.
Javier Salaverry

Review: CBTWE @ Metal Invader


It is known that in recent years in our country, there is an upward trend in releases of extreme sound, in terms of both quality and quantity. Within this context, it is worth turning our attention to last March, the month during which a 3-way-split between Lord Impaler, Dizziness and Hell Poemer was released, including two tracks from each band (six pieces total).

The album opens with the Athenians Dizziness, with the songs “Goddess Of The Moon” and “Harpies”, lasting about seven minutes each. The first track is quite dark, walking in the paths of the traditional “fast” Black Metal, with a melodious passage somewhere in the middle of it. It has good scalability and synthetic sequence, which in combination with the “spatial” of their aura, make the music sound transcendent. The screaming vocals and theatricality displayed, add passion to the track. The second song is a bit more epic, especially from the third minute onwards. More straightforward and a bit more “catchy” in terms of rhythms and riff. Of course, the term used has no negative connotations or color. In this track we have a guest appearance by Iapetos 666 / Unholy Archangel and Kerveros / Athos on vocals.

Lord Impaler from Kastoria follow up next, with “A Fire That Burns” and a cover of “Call From The Grave”. True to their origins and style, Lord Impaler do not deviate from the nature of their music. The first track starts quickly, having strong dynamics and catchy / smart guitars, supported by robust drums, which seem to be the backbone of the piece. There are several variations to the rhythm and an interesting recitation in Greek language in the middle of the track. The second piece that Lord Impaler have included is a cover of Bathory’s “Call From The Grave”, where they experimented a little. They brought the piece to their action, putting their own touch. They increased the rhythms in some parts and played a bit with the guitars. They essentially did an adaptation of the song, not another cover.

Hell Poemer from Ioannina are next. This is their first release after their first full length album “Arcane Mysteries of Dead Ancestors”. Their first track here, “The Sacral Knot of Hierophant” belongs to the category of fast Black Metal, but includes woodwinds, keyboards and choral vocals. It has nice guitar passages and a beautiful outro that blends nicely with the rest of the composition. Even though in synthetic and style terms it’s different from the pieces that preceded it, it leaves a nice impression to the listener. In their second song “My Dreams Will Stay Frozen On The Mountains”, I felt that the vocals are buried somewhere in the background, with the keys to dominate the final sonic outcome. This could be the way the band wanted this track to sound, no objection to that, however I fell that this way the track can’t unfold its dynamic as it should / need. Great effort, nonetheless.

This three way split release between Lord Impaler, Dizziness and Hell Poemer, can find a place in the collection of every Black Metal enthusiast, especially of those who like it the Greek way. Remarkable effort by all three of the groups. It will please many of you. Check!

4.5 / 6

Elpida Baphomet


Review: CBTWE @ Battle Helm


Just from reading the band names on this split I get the impression that I could be up for some weird twists musically. Which could make for a really cool split or time that I will never get back. But then I can be totally wrong. This is apparently a three way split of Greek black metal bands.

And that might be why DIZZINESS sounded so familiar. Not that I remember having heard them before. Black metal with a very clear attack. Brutal as fuck.

LORD IMPALER does sound like a blackened metal band just by name and in sound they are that too. There is more of a thrashy feel to their black metal.

HELL POEMER has a more epic touch to their black metal without being symphonic or bombastic.

As a split this really works as you get three different approaches to black metal.

Anders Ekdahl


Review: CBTWE @

“Lord Impaler, with their furious Black Metal, especially remind with their guitar work the Swedish hordes like Dark Funeral.”


Hier teilen sich drei coole, griechische Underground Black Metal-Bands diese 3er-Split-CD, die es zuvor nur digital und als Kassettenversion gab, mit jeweils zwei neuen Songs. Den Anfang machen die 2008 gegründeten Dizziness, deren zweites Demo „Evocation Of Ancestral Grandeur“ ich als Original-Demotape besitze. Ihre beiden Songs dauern jeweils sieben Minuten und können voll überzeugen. Hier herrschen düstere Atmosphären und klirrende Kälte. Schöne Gitarrenläufe werden gepaart mit schnellem Schlagzeug und dämonischem Black Metal-Gesang. Lord Impaler erinnern mit ihrem rasenden Black Metal vor allem durch ihre Gitarrenarbeit an schwedische Horden wie Dark Funeral. Der Drumsound klingt etwas steril, stört aber nicht. Zum Schluss geben sich Hell Poemer die Ehre, die dem typischen Hellenen Black Metal-Sound von allen dreien am nächsten kommen. Atmosphärische Synthies gibt es genauso wie die ureigene Atmosphäre, die irgendwie nur die Griechen hinbekommen. Ihre beiden Songs sind ein schauriger Soundtrack, der an die glorreichen Tage ihrer Landsleute von Varathron, Kawir oder Tatir erinnert. Wer griechischen Black Metal generell mag, sollte sich diese drei eher unbekannten Bands dieses Landes ruhig mal geben!

Note: 8 von 10 Punkten
Autor: Daniel Müller


Review: CBTWE @ Voices from the DarkSide


The best song on this three-way split release is the BATHORY cover ‘Call From The Grave’. Believe me, I have been listening to this output a dozen of times. All bands are hailing from Greece and are playing Black Metal without any remarkable or characteristic elements. The songs are well-played and the sound is adequate, but there is an eminent lack of individuality. In fact I could not make out which band was playing when I listened to a random track of “Carved By The Winds Eternal”. Maybe the problem is that every band is featured with just two songs and therefore can not unfold their unique power. Whatever, personally I do not like this output and if you are not a follower of one of the bands or Black Metal from Greece in general you better save your money for something else.

Mirco Szymyslik


Review: CBTWE @

Lord Impaler are the most senior representatives of the “split”, […] in this case their black prayers very well summon the clouds of hatred and misanthropy. […] To summarize, I would say that the split is really very strong and has no flaws.

–Google translated summary


Сплит из трех греческих команд, которые очень схожи по духу. И дело тут даже не в том, что все трое играют один жанр, а в том, что настрой композиций очень схож и слушается все не как какой-то сборник, а как вполне полноценный альбом. Крепкий, как скала, и очень атмосферный, словно лес после дождя.

Первую группу, думаю, особо представлять не стоит, ведь в наших краях о ней наверняка знает почти каждый уважающий себя металлист. Коллектив играет довольно мелодичный классический блэк с частыми переходами на захватывающую дух эпичность. В данном случае два трека, которые представляет Dizziness, именно так и распланированы. Т.е. если “Goddess Of The Moon” – это сплошная мелодика, без всякой агрессии и больше отдающая печалью и задумчивостью, то второй трек – это уже идеальный провожатый Rotting Christ. Присущая музыке хтоническая заколдованность так и извивается черным змеем, а во второй половине даже можно найти раммштайновский рифф из “Keine Lust”, который, конечно же, звучит совсем не по-берлински.

А вот вторая группа уже не кружит голову средневековой эпикой и звучит более жестоко и прямолинейно. Lord Impaler являются самыми старшими представителями “раскола”, но за время существования издали всего один полноформатник. Не знаю, что они выдают на альбоме, но в данном случае их черные молитвы очень хорошо созывают тучи ненависти и настоящей мизантропии. Во втором треке я даже услышал кое-какую схожесть с австралийским проектом Nocturnal, отчего мне вновь захотелось его переслушать. Думаю, что надо будет в ближайшее время обязательно ознакомиться и с их полноформатом.

Группа Hell Poemer же, помимо агрессии, в своей музыке использует большое количество клавиш, отчего звучит более сказочно и мистично. Тут они решили даже разделить свой материал на так называемые “боевик” и “балладу”. Это я к тому, что первый трек бушует, словно разъяренный ураган, разнося в клочья буквально все, что попадается на пути. А вторая тема, словно сон, уносит слушателя по волнам мечтаний и внутренних переживаний. Симфоника всех песен также очень гармонично разбавлена соло-партиями и хоралами, делая 10 минут своего звучания очень разнообразными и быстро пролетающими. Быстро пролетающий момент, конечно, не очень радует, но уж буду довольствоваться тем, что есть.

Подводя итог, скажу, что сплит действительно очень крепкий и не имеет никаких изъянов. Все три группы поработали на славу, оставив после себя очень красочные, а главное запоминающиеся эмоции. Но если мне будет задан вопрос, кто все же лучший, то я, наверное, все-таки склонюсь в сторону Hell Poemer.

Review: CBTWE @ Lords of Metal

2016-09-04 lordsofmetal

‘Carved By The Winds Eternal’ is threeway split album by the Greek acts Dizziness, Lord Impaler and Hell Poemer.

Dizziness delivers the first two tracks. They play traditional black metal with quite an epic feel in the slower parts. The melodies are quite melancholy at times and Dizziness offers a rather enjoyable overall experience akin to early Rotting Christ.

Lord Impaler too offers two tracks of which one is a cover of Bathory’s ‘Call From The Grave’. Lord Impaler plays black metal with a high dose melodic death metal influences and as such sounds akin to Naglfar. Played with conviction and passion, but slightly too generic to impress.

The final two songs are by Hell Poemer. A band that dabbles with a more symphonic style of black metal to create a larger than life atmosphere. With a similar melodic style as Rotting Christ and a Dimmu Borgir-like approach to song-writing Hell Poemer sounds quite modern and energetic. Heavy on the synths and melodies Hell Poemer is quite accessible, but also a slightly generic.

As a whole the ‘Carved By The Winds Eternal’ serves its purpose well: to introduce three unknown Greek acts simultaneously and while these are hardly groundbreaking the overall impression is quite positive.

Roel De Haan: 72/100


Review: CBTWE @ Metaleye

2016-09-02 metaleye

Ottimo split album incentrato su sonorità black metal questo Carved By The Winds Eternal, che ci presenta un tris di gruppi ellenici, da non sottovalutare.

Due brani a testa bastano a chi non conosce le band in questione, già attive da diversi anni ed assolutamente in grado di soddisfare i palati estremi dei black metallers sparsi per il globo.

Si parte con i Dizziness, quartetto di Atene in marcia verso l’inferno dal 2008 e con un’abbondante discografia che consta di due full length ed un mare di split e demo.
Pescando dalla tradizione ellenica, e senza dimenticare la lezione impartita dai gruppi scandinavi, il loro sound è un intenso e quanto mai riuscito esempio di black vario, tra furiose accelerazioni, ritmiche marziali e momenti pregni di atmosfere mistiche.

Goddess of the Moon e Άρπυιες esplodono in un susseguirsi di colpi di scena, marciando nell’oscurità di caverne scavate da famelici orchi, le atmosfere cangianti (ora guerresche, ora mistiche, ora pregne di malata oscurità) esaltano l’ascolto, sicuramente un gruppo da approfondire.

Più canonico e brutale il sound dei Lord Impaler, fondati addirittura nel 1998, ma con un solo full length all’attivo (Admire the Cosmos Black del 2011).

Raw black metal che, se ad un primo ascolto può ricordare gli Immortal, ne prende subito le distanze conservando il mood tipico delle bands mediterranee, sound caldo, riff che nel loro consolidato estremismo si nutrono di melodia, oscura, evil, ma sempre perfettamente bilanciata con la tempesta di caos metallico del genere.

I cinque musicisti, pur discostandosi dalla proposta dei loro dirimpettai, non mancano di offrire una prova sopra la media, meno lavorata nelle atmosfere, ma convincente nell’impatto.

Ma il bello deve ancora arrivare e The Sacral Knot of Hierophant ci accompagna nel buio della caverna, dove in agguato ci aspettano i mostruosi abitanti degli oscuri anfratti dimenticati dal tempo.

Loro sono gli Hell Poemer, da poco più di dieci anni in attività e con un solo full length licenziato nel 2013 (Arcane Mysteries of Dead Ancestors): il loro black metal si impreziosisce di clamorose note pianistiche, creando un’atmosfera di oscura melanconia.
Il primo brano di cui sopra tiene alta la tensione metallica, ci si accorge subito che la musica è cambiata e My Dreams Will Stay Frozen on the Mountains ci rapisce definitivamente, con un black metal melodico sorretto da una base pianistica dai rimandi gothic, l’aura che si crea è di elevata epicità dark; il gruppo accompagna il tutto con una marziale danza elettrica, solitudine e misantropia escono prepotentemente dalle note dei tasti d’avorio, mentre lo screamer decanta storie immerso nell’oscurità.

Con tre band delle quali vale la pena approfondire la discografia, aspettando eventuali sviluppi futuri, Carved By The Winds Eternal risulta uno dei più riusciti split degli ultimi tempi.

Alberto Centenari – 8/10


Review: CBTWE @3rdEyeCinema

2016-07-11 3rdeyecinema.jpg

This is an all-Greek split of a trio of black metal acts.

Dizziness comes first, and kicks off with a track that plays very much by the Satanic Warmaster rulebook both vocally and musically (“goddess of the moon”), which gives them a major check mark towards the positive in my book. They’re a bit more folkish and mournful than anthemically melodic in tone, but it’s clearly walking the same grim roads as Finland’s finest. Nice.

Unfortunately, they misstep somewhat with their unpronounceable to English tongues second track (your guess on that title is as good as mine, have at it). It’s not terrible, but far less atmospheric and evocative. A serious letdown in tone and style after the grandeur of “goddess”.

Lord Impaler is up next, and they’re working more of a Norwegian sort of thing bordering on Swedish but never quite going “Norsecore” either. It’s that strain of unimpressive late 90’s/early millenium Nordic black metal that bands like, say, Ancient tended to put out. I’d say 1349, Tsjuder or post-Euronymous Mayhem as well, but it’s more generic than the latter and not as Norsecore as the first two.

Even their cover of “call from the grave” kinda sucks – didn’t sound like Bathory in the least. Overall? Very bland and unimpressive, if listenable for the type.

Hell Poemer has a bit more individual character and feels a tad more Rotting Christ in the spastic yet very trad metal-oriented riffing, though the prominent if quirky keyboards bring it somewhere else entirely. The guitarist is pretty decent, actually crafting proper solos with structured individual phrases. If it didn’t start off with Dizziness’ “goddess of the moon”, the standout track of this split would easily have been “the sacral knot of heirophant”.

“My dreams will stay frozen on the mountains” gives the keyboards even more prominence and strays straight into Magica territory, with just a hint of Gloomy Grim to offset all the gothic/symphonic metalness of the affair. Personally, I loved Lightseeker (and to a lesser extent, Hereafter), so this worked for me as well…just didn’t feel very black metal in the end.

Taken on the whole, this is a very strong split that shows the contemporary Greek black metal scene in a positive light: even the least of the acts here (cough Lord Impaler) isn’t exactly lightweight fluff, with nary a Watain wannabe in sight.

Horns up, to be sure.


Interview: 2016, July 20. Tragon @OccultBlackMetal zine


1. Can you give us an update on what is going on with the band these days?
Tragon: We are currently finishing the recording of our second full length album “In Full Regalia” and also working on new songs for a split release in 2017 and a third album.

2. Currently you are working on a new album, how would you describe the musical sound that is presented on the recording and also how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?
Tragon: “Admire The Cosmos Black” was an album we hadn’t planned and contained songs from different eras of the band. This time we had a more clear vision and there was only one main composer, which makes the songs more cohesive and homogenous. We also went a little more aggressive, there are songs in the new album that offer more time to headbang than what we used to have in the past.

3. Your lyrics cover some Ancient Hellenic Pride and Anti Christian themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in those topics?
Tragon: These are only some of the subjects that generally interest me and I spend time studying. The band is my preferred channel to speak about those specific issues. We are an anti-religious band, and since we happen to live in a Christian country our lyrics are antichristian. When I am not touching this subject, I either speak of the Ancient Greek world (we were always fascinated from the Greek mythology, and to be honest with you, I would personally prefer the “official” religion of Greece, if there has to be one, to be the ethnic mythos of Greece instead of the ethnic mythos of Judea that currently is) or the history of Vlad Tepes a.k.a. the “Dracula”.

4. I know that the band was named after ‘Vlad Tepes’, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in this historical character?
Tragon: When we started the band we were fascinated by the stories around Vlad, both the historic one, as well as the fictitious “Dracula” of Bram Stoker. Who doesn’t like brutal heroes who impale their enemies and vampire stories, right? Above all, the title “Lord Impaler” felt really fitting for a black metal band and this was the deciding factor…

5. What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?
Tragon: Lord Impaler have only played live 3 times, the last one was 2 months ago, and the one before that was 16 years ago. Our latest show, supporting Rotting Christ, was certainly the best we have given, a traditional black metal show with blood, corpse paint and a great atmosphere.

6. Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?
Tragon: We are in the talks for some shows in November but we don’t have any dates booked right now. We keep our ears open for opportunities to play more shows.

7. Recently you where a part of a split with ‘Dizziness’ and ‘Hell Poemer’, what are your thoughts on the other bands that had participated on the album?
Tragon: They are both an excellent sample of Greek black metal. Each one has developed their own brand, Dizziness are closer to the primitive Hellenic Pagan black (alongside cult bands like Nergal and Athos), while Hell Poemer are closer to the classic Greek black metal sound but expand on it in modern ways. Worth checking their other works.

8. Also on the split you had done a cover of Bathory’s “Call From the Grave”, what was the decision behind doing your own version of this song?
Tragon: Whenever we do a cover we are picking on songs that we would have done differently. We don’t really see the point in re-making a song of a band that plays similar music with us and just performing their song as it is. With “Call…” we felt we could really make it shine in our style and so we went for it.

9. On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your current music by fans of black metal?
Tragon: People around the globe seem to genuinely enjoy our music. We’ve got a lot of positive feedback and it’s only getting better over the years. Of course there has been the occasional bad review every now and then, which we welcome and appreciate (that’s how you learn you need to improve usually), and it mostly boils down to “we’re not original enough”, which I am fine with: we never tried to innovate much, we’re playing the music we like to listen to. There are bands like Virus or Dødheimsgård who try to re-invent themselves every album. We are not this kind of band.

10. When will the new album be released?
Tragon: I really cannot give you an estimate. We hope to finish it in 2016, but even if all go as planned, it will then depend on any labels that may express interest in it. Generally, we hope for a release this year.

11. What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your newer music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
Tragon: We have always been fans of Norwegian and Swedish black metal, and it shows. This isn’t something we try to do, it has become a personal style of composing (as far as I can tell at least, from working closely with Lord Nebulah, our main composer). Bands that shaped us, hmm, I will say Emperor, Immortal, Dark Funeral, Marduk, Satyricon, but again influences aren’t something we consciously choose, and we’re listening to lots of different stuff that might have crept in our minds in some way. Currently I am listening to Behexen’s latest album and recently added Imperium Infernalis’ “Imago Dei” on rotation. This last one is another excellent sample of contemporary Greek black metal.

12. How would you describe your views on Occultism?
Tragon: I am living in the age of logic, which means no gods, no devils, no fairies. However I do find occult theories somewhat fascinating and when I have time to spare I do read occult books. Whenever I reference anything religious in my lyrics, they mask something deeper, they are just a symbolic link to what I really want to talk about. For example, Satan is the rebellious free man, I am not a Satanist, but you will see him mentioned A LOT in our third album…

13. Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
Tragon: Firstly, I would like to point everyone to our official Bandcamp page at where you can listen to our entire discography. We recently uploaded a compilation named “Demology – The Decade of Obscurity”, which is free to get and covers our first decade, our demo era. Secondly, a word to all metal fans: SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SCENE. Going to a local concert, buying a DIY product, getting the word out, it makes all the difference in the world. Give the underground bands the time to stand on their feet for when the dinosaurs die off. Last (but certainly not least), thank you for this interview. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into it. ΧΑΙΡΕ!
